Tuesday, January 31, 2006

3 months of probation

Well i was told if 3 months i'm not be able to remember recipes or meet the expectations, i'll be shown the door out. Having know this i don't want it to happen. But the problem is i'm really lagging behind time in my store training. I just started doing blended beverages and beverage calling yesterday. I don't know how i did but i think i'm still struggling to cope. Expectations are much higher for a full-timer. I do want to ask questions, but the thing is i feel awkward at times. Especially i'm the full-timer and most of the staffs are part-timers. Most of the part-timers are much, much younger than me. I just hope i finish the modules and the training and then pull up my socks and try to remember beverages, name calling, the service steps etc. Oh how i wished that the training would deal in classrooms as much as in-store. I feel pressured to meet the expectations but yet i'm trying my very best to cope with it all. I know i should set examples, but how am i to do that is a big question. Sometimes i just hate myself about why i just can't do such simple task, or remembering such simple jobs. Is my brain getting too weak to absorb all these informations? I even feel like breaking down at times, seeing how i try to cope with all these. If i have a choice i just cry and tell my manager that i'm trying really hard to achieve his expectations, the company expectations. But if i do that, most probably i'll just lose respect of the other part-time partners. They will see me as a weak, young man. A chicken who backs out of his troubles and rather let it just go away. But i know i'm not that such person. Although i might cry, i have the will to soldier on. The thing is you just have to trust me, be patient with me and sometimes i do keep things to myself or be just hide in a corner, try at least approach me. I'm just an introvert person although sometimes i can be seen as an extroverted.

Today, i did one of the 5 Be's. I was Be Genuine. Or maybe it was just not 1 Be but more than one. I was bussing today and i did strike a conversation with one of the customers. Although i think none of my colleagues saw that but i consider that as my own personal achievement. I'm quite shy to just approach a total stranger and initiate conversation with them. But i did that yesterday. She was with 2 friends, a guy and a girl. She's a tourist who is visiting her relative in Singapore. And they are from Belgium. So although sometimes i lack something, i did make it up on the other aspects. Yes i admit i'm lagging back, am slow, am too quite, am not outspoken. But i have ideas. Well maybe that's why i got the job in the first place. And to my sore luck i've been given to a high volume, high profit store instead.

Oh please i beg you people. I am pushing myself to meet your expectations. Although i do make careless mistakes, that's what i am. But i'm trying to improve myself here too. I've taken steps to overcome short term memory loss by even copying the damn recipes in to a small notebook so as i can bring it to the floor when i'm working in case i forget the recipe. Why is there double standards for part-timers and full-timers? Why is it because you pay me a thousand plus that makes me different from the part-timers? Oh fuck it! Life is just as it is anyway. Although you may think i'm complaining, but yet i am contented with this job. I like the thing about this job is that it is fun, and i get to meet new people. So please lower your expectations on me a bit. And i won't let you all down........

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm having problems of my own

Yes i'm having problems. It's regarding work. I'm struggling now to call out the beverage in standard order and also problem of trying to remember the recipes of the drinks. Although in my mind i get the picture, when it comes to the real thing i feel i'm not yet ready for it. I'm already feeling lost. Haven't try i've already want to admit defeat. These negative vibes i'm having is going to kill me. I don't like it. I'm just left with a few more modules but i'm already feeling the jitters, nervous and such that are negative. Anyone out there can help me remember those bloody recipes and help me out in calling out of the beverage? I'll be bloody glad if u can help me. Next week is my bar test and tomorrow is my espresso class. So many things to memorise. How can i cram all those information to my head? Aaarrrggghhh i'm feeling like having a breakdown. Never knew that the steps of becoming a barista can be this challenging..........

I don't want to give up. I want to face this challenge. But who will help me in being a pillar in case i fall down? Please anyone coach me and support me. I feel awkward....

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Now employed by.......

Yes i am now employed. I've got a job as a barista at one of the major cafe in Singapore. Well... things seems to be looking good for now. As of now, i'm going to do well in this job as i see there is a career advancement for the future. And the experience will be worthwhile for me. Training will the week after next and i can't wait for it. I'm really am grateful to the interviewer who interviewed me for the job. She see the potential in me, not by qualification, but by based on my experience and my own personal qualities.

Well there's nothing much to say but i am truly glad i landed this job. Although after clinching this job, i was having other offers such as technical assistants, trainee technicians etc. While i was looking for them, they were not there to reply to my resume. But when i have gotten a job, phonecalls started coming in etc. Even the ITE College Central (Yishun) asked me to come down for another stint as Teaching Assistant. Although the pay is not bad as in per hour, the salary was not given as promised at the end of the month. They process our pay very slow and you have to wait till 2 months just to get the first pay. That experience is enough for me. I hope they pull up their socks in their Administration Department.

Oh well... the new year looks bright for me. I'm thinking of losing weight and be fit before the National Rugby Championship. And also it's for my own good too.

That's all for now.... till then.............................. Cheers!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Just a thought

Hey i have something on my mind regarding race issue. Why not we, people of singapore regardless of race just put in our race as Singaporean instead of Malay, Indian, Chinese, etc? People what are yr views? Do read and forward this post to those that you know. I would like to know about the opinions of the general public on this.


Saturday, January 07, 2006


Have you heard of centurions, visionaries, m.a.s.k, starcom, thundercats, silverhawk, bravestar? Well it just reminds me of my youth. Those were the times. Why the sudden refresh of memory? Well while i was surfing the yahoo auction i came across all these toys some people are selling online. And they are still in mint condition!!! Can you believe that??? I used to have them but was destroyed either by the neighbours, cousins or my accidental plays. I had bravestar, lion-o of the thundercats, starcom figures and vehicles too. Even m.a.s.k figures and vehicles. In fact i had 2. But then all is gone. Oh how i wish to re-lived those days........
Maybe i'll start collecting them again, but on a small scale. But then have to find a job before i can do so. Hmm...... when will i get a job which is a permanent?? Have to wait. That's one of my new year resolution.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Frustrated and angry with the people i'm living with.....

Wonder why the title say so? Well...... its because my only army boots was gone when i opened the shoe cupboard today. I've been putting it there since last year and have not taken it out, even to wipe the dust from my previous exercise. And suddenly it gone missing. I've checked the storeroom and to no avail can't find them there. Someone must have taken it out and put it outside of of the house and then someone took it after that. Why are people so stupid??? There's already been theft at my area and yet they put it outside? The culprit hasn't owned up to it. And my mother says i make a big hooha without looking for it. Dammit, i know where i place my things for goodness sake. WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND???? SHEESSH!!! IF MY BLOODY ROOM HAVE A BIG STORAGE AREA I WOULDN'T HAVE PUT THE BOOTS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE DAMMIT!!!!! PLEASE NEXT TIME TRY TO UNDERSTAND ME, AND NOT SAY THAT I MISPLACED IT!!!! FUCK IT!!! I'M FUCKING PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!. IF SUDDENLY I'M CALLED FOR RESERVIST AND NEED TO REPORT, HOW AM I GONNA DO IT WHEN MY BLOODY BOOT IS MISSING, WHICH IS PART OF MY KIT?????? FUCK AH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! MY OWN FAMILY DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND THE REAL ME. WHAT A SHIT!!!