Friday, August 10, 2007

An aggravation of anger.....

Pissed off, angry.....9th of August 2007 is a day that wasn't turned up to be what it was to be for me. Pissed off with someone, who aggravates the anger more by not replying to my calls and messages. It's damn annoying, that she would rather spend time with her friends and never even bother to reply to my calls and my messages. Its already 2.34 a.m in the morning and i've calling her dozen of times and there was no answer. The last time she replied was at 0000hrs saying she is still out with her friends. Friends or another guy, i leave it to imagination, cos one thing for sure i've had many bad experiences with the opposite sex that this one experience have taught me that maybe they are all just the SAME!!! The EXs and the current are just of the same mould. Call me chauvinistic, a jerk etc, i'm just having my own opinions about the situation.

I'm still waiting for an answer from her.............