Saturday, January 07, 2006


Have you heard of centurions, visionaries, m.a.s.k, starcom, thundercats, silverhawk, bravestar? Well it just reminds me of my youth. Those were the times. Why the sudden refresh of memory? Well while i was surfing the yahoo auction i came across all these toys some people are selling online. And they are still in mint condition!!! Can you believe that??? I used to have them but was destroyed either by the neighbours, cousins or my accidental plays. I had bravestar, lion-o of the thundercats, starcom figures and vehicles too. Even m.a.s.k figures and vehicles. In fact i had 2. But then all is gone. Oh how i wish to re-lived those days........
Maybe i'll start collecting them again, but on a small scale. But then have to find a job before i can do so. Hmm...... when will i get a job which is a permanent?? Have to wait. That's one of my new year resolution.



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