Thursday, May 26, 2005

We are the KINGS of EUROPEAN clubs.....

Yes..... You'll never walk alone with Liverpool!!!! WE won the Champions League. This is the most intense final i've ever watched. I cried for the first time while watching a football final. A tremendous comeback from our Lads. Down by 3 goals. Yes. This is the moment that i've waited for so long to happen. The club that i supported since young have now made history. The most coveted price in European Club competition. This will be remembered. Benitez, thank you for the direction you have given to the players.

You'll Never Walk Alone...... We are the Champions!


Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Saga is now complete..

Yes the Star Wars saga is now complete. I went to catch the sneak preview, and frankly it's an emotional part of the saga. It is sad how he, Anakin became Darth Vader. How he lost his loved ones. Catch it.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The exams are over...... Episode 3 have come

Yes this is the time of the year. I've been waiting for this moment to end. Finally the exams are over! I just hope that i did well for it. Will be waiting for the results anxiously.

It has been a wonderful journey for me at ITE Tampines. Friendships being made and some bonded more closer than before. I'm gonna miss those guys. Especially those in the Student Council. Well we are going our separate ways now, some are entering their national obligations that is the National Service. Good luck guys! Make our country proud! You will know that by the time you all have your POP Day. How it is like to be there, marching as a company. The moment when the say that " Ladies & Gentlemen, may we present to you, Our trained soldiers". At that point of time you will feel proud of yourselves, the obstacles that you have accomplised throughout your BMT. That will be the proudest moment of your life and that will be the beginning of your journey to become Man. Hahahhaa......

All i can say is that, i'm going to miss you guys from ITE Tampines, especially those from SC, Rugby and Karate. For the going to be 2nd yr, well i might just pop by in school. See you around.

Peace out!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Exams nearing......

Yeah that's right my exams is just round the corner. I'm still "revising". Why the inverted comas? Because everytime i opened the book, the book studied me. Hahahahaah..... Geddit? NVM. Well.... its been awhile since i last update the blog. I just turned 24 last Monday. Whew! i'm getting older. Got my wish. The nike anti-racism wristband. Bid it online. That's my so-called birthday present. Hahahahaha.......Oh yeah a friend of mine contacted me last week. She was asking me for my address. I asked her why. She told me that she's getting married. *Sighs* one by one gone out bachelorhood. Hahahahahah...... When is mine? Well..... i think i rather get myself stable first. In the meantime i would like to continue my studies to polytechnic.... InsyaAllah.

Well some of you might be wondering about my life. Some of you might also be wondering about my heart. Coz some of you know the story. Well.... currently i felt ok. Great perhaps. Have friends who are there for me. Love ya'll! Yeah i'm quite upset of the outcome of things that had happened, but it serve as an experience for me. Well.... i guess that sums it up. Had a few bad relationships and now i'm much more cautious in dealing with matters of the heart. Ain't like the past where i would take a longer time to get over it. Thank God!. Life been treating me quite well. Just having a final test, that is my exams. I just hope that it will be enough for me to enter poly. I'm gonna miss those guys from ITE Tampines. The place changed my perception a lot. The friendship that bonded, the experience. It well worth it.

Alright then people. I've not slept yet. Gonna have some winks before i continue revising for my exams. This time it is Really revising.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

You'll never walk alone.....

Some of you might have guess it what i'm going to post today. Yes Liverpool F.C made it to the Champions League Final. Looks like the things have taken a good turn for my beloved Liverpool. I want to see them win like those glory days. Good Luck Liverpool!!

Exams are coming up. Trying to cram up as much information as i could. Classes are now just doing revisions. Karate grading is at the end of the month. Star Wars Episode 3 coming up. Gonna watch it with my buddy. Luckily it is after my papers. Well that's all folks!!!

*patience wearing thin, the waiting becomes forever. When will i finally settle with the "true one"?*

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sleepless in Bedok

Well the title says it all. Yes i am sleepless. I don't know why. Maybe i'm thinking too much, or maybe just normal case of insomnia. Well.... yesterday watched "Man-Thing" and guess what? The show fucking sucks!. Marvel should just stick to the popular comic series and made it into a movie, instead trying to make a movie about an entity from the swamp. They should just stick to tried and tested genre and receive blockbuster hits. Had a wonderful day though, all thanks to Afiqah's non-stop laughter......... Well i think i try and lie down now. Having class this morning and yet i'm still awake.
